How to Make a Hoverboard at Home

What we have in the footage below is a real treat for every DIY enthusiast! It is actually a great and at the same time simple hoverboard DIY project that will definitely grasp your attention! We all know that hoverboards are very expensive for purchasing and maintenance.
They are out of reach for many people. So, if you enjoy the excitement of making something on your own, you can definitely try to do this simple but awesome homemade hoverboard project!

This homemade hoverboard design is made by the YouTuber Navin Kambhala who has built many creative projects in the past! 

The Hoverboard was first described and imagined by the novelist M.K Joseph in 1967 and gained popularity in the Back to the Future movie franchise! From that moment, in the late 1980`s, the hoverboard has been a dream of every sci-fi enthusiast who enjoyed the flick! Now, although the hoverboard is finally here, it is still pretty darn expensive! 

However, don`t fret, because this Hoverboard DIY project is definitely affordable! All that you will need is a couple of wooden planks, batteries, glue, switches and torque motors! All of these things are very easy to find! Some of you may argue that this is not an original hoverboard but rather a balance board. Nevertheless, it is quite practical and efficient! The main shape is made of wood which stores all of the electronic bits. The two torque motors are directly attached to the board and both of them are powered by two batteries! Navin Kambhala found that lap top batteries work quite well! Meaning that you won`t need to spend a lot of money for buying specific batteries! 

Amazingly, this homemade hoverboard works exceptionally well! At the end of the video, Navin demonstrates its efficiency while traveling on the ground with great ease! This Hoverboard DIY project may not look like the most elegant of designs. However, you can construct it with your own two hands and have an efficient hoverboard! That`s what matters the most!