Perhaps the only thing worse than being compared to Katherine
Heigl’s character in "27 Dresses" is to casually hear that you're
starting to live up to the phrase “always a bridesmaid, never a bride.”
As the perpetual bridesmaid in my large group of friends (and a "professional bridesmaid" by trade),
I’ve started to keep a running tab of how many times people have said
that sentence to me so far. The number is higher than the amount of
bridesmaid dresses that I own (which is more than 30) and less than the
amount of money I’ve spent on being a bridesmaid (which is easily more
than $10,000).
Jen Glantz
That's me (second from right) doing my duty as a bridesmaid ... proudly!
Yes, there is truth to the fact that I am always a bridesmaid,
but I truly don’t believe there’s any truth in the latter part of that
sentence, which means that since I’m stage left at the alter, my love
life is forever doomed.
RELATED: 5 wedding traditions toss (unlike the bouquet) from a professional bridesmaid
I was once standing in a line to board a flight at the airport,
wearing a canvas tote bag with the word “bridesmaid” on it that a friend
gave to me before her wedding in 2014. A lady behind me tapped me on
the shoulder, checked if there was a ring on my left hand and sternly
whispered, “Honey, be careful. You don’t want to be 'always the
bridesmaid, never the ... ' you know what.”
That’s all it took for me to do a little investigating to find
out who was responsible for coming up with a phrase that all single
women hope to never hear again.
The phrase "often a bridesmaid ... never a bride" started as a slogan for a print advertising campaign
in 1925. It seems obvious that this slogan would work well for a
bridesmaids dress company or even back then, a dial-a-date service, but
no. The slogan was used by Listerine. Yes, the mouthwash brand.
The Lambert Pharmaceutical Company, who are the makers of Listerine antiseptic,
developed an antibacterial liquid in the 1880s, which was sold as a
general product with a long list of uses. In the 1920s, one of the uses
that stood out was that Listerine could fight halitosis. They decided to
use that as a way to advertise to consumers, letting them know why bad
breath needs to be taken care of immediately.
One way they did exactly that was with an ad campaign that
featured women (with sad eyes and even sadder-looking dresses) next to
text that demonstrated how Listerine could help their love life.
"Edna's case was a really pathetic one. Like every woman, her
primary ambition was to marry. Most of the girls of her set were married
— or about to be. Yet no one possessed more grace or charm or
loveliness than she. And as her birthdays crept towards that tragic
thirty-mark, marriage seemed farther from her life than ever. She was
often a bridesmaid but never a bride."
We've definitely come a long way, so perhaps it's finally time to retire this sexist phrase. Since the average bridesmaid can expect to spend $743 on this friendly gig, the phrase could easily be changed to “always a bridesmaid, always broke.”
Jen Glantz is a "professional bridesmaid" and the founder of Bridesmaid for Hire. She's the author of "Always a Bridesmaid (For Hire)” and frequently wears old bridesmaid dresses to the grocery store ... and on first dates.
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